Our CEO was recently invited to speak at an event with a number of leaders of multinational companies. Here are a few things we picked up from the event:
"We grew very fast and merged about 10 years ago. Since then, we have loads of resources from two different companies that are disorganized and hard to access. Can AI unlock the value of that shared knowledge?"
Associate Director of L&D at major pharmaceutical company
"Learning in its purest sense should be from any content or data from within our company. AI has the power to put that all into the hands of our employees"
Head of Learning at top NASDAQ listed company
"GenZ want bite-sized videos that go straight to the point, just-in-time."
Global Training Manager at multinational property group
"Think of L&D content like the horn of a car. Ford will put the horn on the steering wheel. Traditionally, L&D puts the horn in the glove compartment behind a button. Your AI could finally make content accessible right on the steering wheel"
Global Head of Learning at leading satellite company