Quench API

Integrate AI straight into your organization

Give the tools you use everyday new AI superpowers.

Get answers from all your documents, recordings and slides in seconds by chatting with AI in the tools you already use like Slack, Whatsapp or your own Learning Management System.

Make knowledge workers the best they can be.

Get the right advice to do your job better right where you’re working, no need for more passwords and logins.

Your trusted AI partner

Organising content for quick access, providing personalised training recommendations, and offering AI-driven role-play.

API Integration

Supercharge your existing infrastructure with Quench API

Bring your own key (BYOK)

Plug your own LLMs into Quench’s reasoning engine


State-of-the-art security with AES-256 encryption, user data segmentation, and a strong focus on privacy, following the latest SaaS standards

Your own data

No intense training, superpower your knowledge same-day

Make knowledge your superpower.

Amplify your hidden advantages.

Unleash your potential.

Quench it.

Supercharge your

business with Quench